
JPT Research Digest

From the Editor

Each year as we publish the Journal of Psychological Type® Research Digest (JPT-RD), we invariably find studies grouped in similar topics from around the world. This year, the studies highlighted represent a varied range of topics and methodologies on the surface yet link back to studies discussed in previous years.

The linguistic analyses of MBTI® personality type in large online datasets has been popular for years. In the last two editions of the JPT-RD we highlighted studies on discourse analysis of MBTI Reddit communities to analyze themes and predict personality. The current edition includes a machine learning study that produced an algorithm to predict personality, building on these past studies.

A Finnish study investigated preferences among entrepreneurial people and found a prevalence of extraversion and intuition, mirroring results from a phenomenological study in 2017 on the influence of personality on innovation. Another study carries a thread from past studies highlighted in the JPT-RD: a graduate thesis explores the relationship between personality type and the learning strategies used by foreign language learners. The 2016 JPT-RD presented a group of studies focused on learning strategies and type, including one on the impact of type on writing ability in second language learners of English and two other studies on learning and type defined more broadly.

An experimental study in South Korea produced statistically significant results in increasing self-esteem and lowering depression and anger in nursing students using an MBTI relationship building program. Along clinical lines, a Brazilian correlational study presented the typological distribution of women in treatment for obesity or post-gastric bypass surgery.

Finally, we highlight an exceptional theoretical, depth psychological analysis of dominant introverted intuition and Jung's individuation process through the inferior function. Though this paper was not published in an academic journal—a criterion for this publication—the quality of thought and writing compelled us to include it. The JPT-RD has presented theoretical papers in the past, notably an analysis of the inferior function in the work of Russian poet Baratynskij and Steve Myers's analysis of Myers-Briggs type and individuation.

This is the sixth edition, and year, of the JPT-RD. It is rewarding to be able to track themes and results of studies through the years and to highlight the work of graduate students, the next generation of type researchers. As always, we invite and look forward to your thoughts, comments, and questions on the studies in this edition of the JPT-RD.

Kesstan Blandin PhD
Vice President, Research and Development

ARTICLE PERMALINK: https://www.myersbriggs.org/research-and-library/journal-psychological-type/from-the-editor-vol81/


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Journal of Psychological Type® Research Digest (JPT-RD) is made available through Myers & Briggs Foundation, worldwide publisher. The editorial team includes Kesstan Blandin, PhD, Yvonne Nelson-Reid, PhD, Logan Abbitt, MLIS, and Purnima Sims.

For inquiries about accessing original articles, contact library@myersbriggs.org.

Myers & Briggs Foundation carries the legacy of Isabel Briggs Myers and the MBTI® instrument through our mission to educate the public about psychological type—including its ethical, meaningful, and practical applications—and to conduct research on psychological type and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) instrument. The JPT-RD, published annually, is a publication that highlights research and ideas in the field of psychological type, the MBTI Instrument, and Jungian thought.

©2021 Center for Applications of Psychological Type, Inc., publisher.

Contact the JPT-RD Editorial Team at research@myersbriggs.org.