JPT Research Digest
Psychological type therapy: A practitioner's guide to strengthening relationships.
Gerrard, B. and Shinefield, J. M. (2022). Psychological type therapy: A practitioner's guide to strengthening relationships. NY: Routledge. |
Book Review:
A new book on psychological type has been published recently by Brian Gerrard, Ph.D. and Jacqueline M. Shinefield, Ed.D., Psychological type therapy: A practitioner's guide to strengthening relationships (2022, Routledge). Gerrard, a researcher and counselor in families and education, and Shinefield, a psychotherapist, apply psychological type to relationships and the practitioners who work with them. There is a long history of application and theory on type to relationship and Gerrard and Shinefield build on this legacy with a guide for practitioners to work with psychological type in a range of therapy modalities, relationships, and environments. The book is broad and comprehensive, covering work with adults, children, education, and families, with a focus on type development. The authors provide strategies for strengthening preferences and various exercises to work with clients utilizing a host of modalities. In addition, there are two type relationship assessments developed by Gerrard and Shinefield in the book with instructions for use and scoring.
Psychological type therapy includes both adult and children's type (primarily through the MBTI® and MMTIC® assessments but also gives instruction for qualitative methods of deepening understanding of type), and most importantly how an adult's type relates to the type of children they are in relationships with, both in families and in education. This is a nuanced and important factor when working with children and type; considering the impact influential adults have on a child's life, it is crucial. Finally, there are many rich case studies to demonstrate ideas and a chapter on another important topic: type development of the therapist or practitioner. The value of Gerrard and Shinefield's book is the breadth and depth of the practical application. Practitioners working in many different fields can find support, insights, and guidance in this text.
ARTICLE PERMALINK: https://www.myersbriggs.org/research-and-library/journal-psychological-type/psychological-type-therapy-practitioner-guide-strengthening-relationships/